Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank
For a list of most needed items, click here.
Bring food donations to the collection bin in the church lobby/narthex. These are delivered to Snoqualmie Valley Food bank each month.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Friday night meetings, 7 - 8:00 pm.
For more information and listing of additional nearby meetings, visit
Interfaith Dialogues
Help host, plan or simply participate in this series of rich conversation and discovery. The purpose of these get-togethers is to foster relationships across faith lines that enrich our understanding of each other's faith traditions and strengthen community around the valley. Visit the Snoqualmie Valley Interfaith facebook page for information about the next gathering Each session offers a different theme around which to explore and connect.
Youth Success! Mentoring
Several members of SUMC volunteer as youth mentors with the Empower Youth Network. Please see their website for more information on how to participate.
Echo Glen
Volunteers are also needed for a variety of activities. Go to Friends of Echo Glen to find more information about volunteer opportunities.
Friday night meetings, 7 - 8:00 pm.
For more information and listing of additional nearby meetings, visit
Interfaith Dialogues
Help host, plan or simply participate in this series of rich conversation and discovery. The purpose of these get-togethers is to foster relationships across faith lines that enrich our understanding of each other's faith traditions and strengthen community around the valley. Visit the Snoqualmie Valley Interfaith facebook page for information about the next gathering Each session offers a different theme around which to explore and connect.
Youth Success! Mentoring
Several members of SUMC volunteer as youth mentors with the Empower Youth Network. Please see their website for more information on how to participate.
Echo Glen
Volunteers are also needed for a variety of activities. Go to Friends of Echo Glen to find more information about volunteer opportunities.